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2017-02-04 15:38:57 来源:思润教育


一、架构横向语法体系  在基础语法的课堂上,很多老师倾向于纵向为学员讲解语法(即将句子按照简单句、并列句、复杂句分类,再将复杂句按照名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句等讲解),学员看似理解各种语法,但实际上在真正写作的时候,再提到句式变换,对学生来说又是一个新的知识。其实基础语法课的重点在于让学生会语法,而不是让学生会用语法。   





1. The problem triggered severe panic in the city.(形容词做前置定语)

2. The woman present in the meeting is my mother.(形容词做后置定语)

3. A young man in his 20s should exceed the boundaries and embrace  challenges instead of remaining in familiar parameters.(介词短语做定语)

4. Children kept under their parents’ wings are vulnerable to adversity.(非谓 语动词done做定语,表示被动)  

5. Employees getting involved in the decision-making process are more willing  to make contributions to their company.(非谓语动词doing做定语,表示伴随)

6. I have something to discuss with you.(非谓语动词to do做定语,表示目的)

7. Children, who are in the formative years, can be easily swayed by wrong  ideas.(定语从句)


1. In this case, love will gradually become a kind of pain.(副词作状语)

2. Thirsty and hungry, the man walked on the road.(形容词作状语)

3. This is harmful in most occasions.(介词短语作状语)  

4. Having finished his homework, the boy went out to play.(非谓语动词doing 作状语)  

5. Dressed as ghosts, the children went to the party.(非谓语动词done作状语)

6. He was sent there to accomplish the task.(非谓语动词to do作状语)

7. While this protective instinct is understandable, I do not think it is a smart move to make decision for kids.(让步状语从句)


1. She finds playing computer games boring.(代词做主语)  

2. The government’s inability to control the air pollution forces many people to  flee from big cities.(名词做主语)  

3. To travel means to learn and to be wiser.(不定式做主语)  

4. Fitting into a new environment quickly is a requirement for young people  nowadays.(动名词做主语)  

Why he did this is beyond me.(主语从句)



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