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2018-04-28 来源:思润教育

  Writing & Language

  To determine whether chimpanzees are more likely to delay gratification for a cooked food reward than they are for a raw food reward, cognition researchers Felix Warneken and Alexandra Rosati conducted an experiment comparing chimpanzees' decisions in two situations: a "raw-delay" condition and a "cooked-delay" condition. In the raw-delay condition, Warneken and Rosati offered the chimpanzees a choice between receiving a piece of raw food immediately and waiting for one minute to receive three pieces of raw food; the chimpanzees chose the larger, delayed reward 60 percent of the time. In the cooked-delay condition, in which the chimpanzees could receive one piece of raw food immediately or wait one minute for three pieces of cooked food, they chose the larger, delayed reward approximately 85 percent of the time.


  B.in: two situations,

  C.in two situations;

  D.in two situations



  Choice A is the best answer because it correctly usesa colon to punctuate the break between theindependent clause that generally introduces thetwo situations tested in the experiment and themore detailed identification of those two situations that follows.

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