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2017-03-28 15:12:34 来源:思润教育


Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Governments have done enough to educate the people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating FUCK!写不完!不好写!!


Given the rapid pace of social and economic developmemnt, people of modern society face unprecedented stress pressure and competition. The importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating has been widely acknowledged by governments over the world. Nevertheless, World Health Organization pointed out in the 2014 annual report that  approximately eight percent children in around the world are on the boundary of being over-weight and people suffer from stress-related diseases like heart disease or  hypertension more than ever. However Apparently, educating people the value of leading a healthy lifestyle is not an easy job and governments certainly have not done enough to shoulder fulfill this responsibility duty.【⾸首段话题展开,有⽴立场,但观点的个⼈人⾊色彩不是很浓!】题⺫⽬目是政府做的如何不好,开头描述⼀一下怎么个不好法! On one hand To begin with on one hand…on the other hand是对⽴立的两⽅方⾯面!, there are so many people in developing countries that are over-weight, which suggests that governments still have a long way to go to assist people form healthy eating habits there is a tendency that governments overlook the fact that fast food restaurants have negative influence on the issue of healthy eating. Advertisements featuring how tasty junk food is are being casted on TV during golden hours without any censorship. Evidently, I in developing countries like China and India, American fast food culture has been highly welcomed by parents and children. that S surveys show that 10 percent parents still use meals at KFC as rewards for children if they get good grades. Another fact is that the number of fat kids in China 【注意时态!】nearly tripled during the past ten years. Fried food and candies are not rewards but poisons that kill a nation slowly and gently, yet governments have not been able do anything to stop them. Apparently governments should help people nations realize the harmful effects of food rich in oil and sugar junk food and that being fat is not a sign of prosperity; instead, it is a sign of deteroriating deteriorating health.【本段的论点还可以考虑压缩⼀一下,⽽而且重点要放在政府措施充不充分上】!




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